Monday, February 15, 2010


Your celestial smile engulfs all my woes,
Your angelic voice conveys a divine message,
Your miraculous sensation cleanses me of all sins,
Your pulsating steps power my heartbeats,
Your statuesque figure inspires life in my body,
But your absence makes me think,
How deeply embedded you are in me,
How inextricably entwined our lives are,
How intensely amalgamated our souls are,
How strongly we are bonded, body, mind and heart.

Desert Rose
14th, February, 2010
New Delhi.


Pathfinder said...

Good one, as usual...

pragya said...

after so long.....nice one

Desert Rose said...

@ Pathfinder: it is usual because it is good or is it just usual :)

@Pragya: Thanks...

The Born Traveller said...

Very nice, but I do have a complaint. The vocabulary becomes a bit too much sometimes and I need to look up into a dictionary... I feel if you use a little simpler language, it will increase the flow of emotions and make the poem more enjoyable.

But still, very beautiful thoughts!

Desert Rose said...
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Desert Rose said...
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Desert Rose said...

@ The Born Traveler: Have taken serious note of your complaint. Hopefully you will not have the same in future. and thanks for your generous applause.

trekntrolla said...

perfect description of the picture and its extension into life and its flip-side !
